Our vision is to promote collaboration between physicians who create and manage dialysis access and want to advance the field through innovative research.
Current Projects
Comparative Effectiveness of Endovascular vs. Open Arteriovenous Fistula Creation
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Enrolling Now!!!!
Learn more about the project and how to participate

Future Projects
Contribution of Subclavian Vein Stenosis to Dialysis Access Outcomes
Hospital of University of Pennsylvania
Effects of Socioeconomic Disparities on the Long-term Outcomes of Hemodialysis Access
PI: Mina L. Boutrous, MD
UConn Health
Participating Institutions
Albany Medical Center
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Inova Health System
Keck School of Medicine at USC
Marin Health Medical Center, University of California
Marshfield Clinic Health System
Montefiore Medical Center
Mount Sinai Hospital
Northwell Health
NYU Langone Health
Ochsner Health
Saint Louis University
Stanford Health
Southern Illinois University
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Stony Brook University Medical Center
SUNY Upstate Medical University
University of Connecticut
University of Oklahoma
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
University of Rochester
University of Tennessee - Knoxville
University of Utah Health
How to Submit Your Idea
Draft a proposal and data collection manual
Contact us to discuss the project
Once the project is accepted, we will invite collaborators to participate in the multi-institutional study
Collaborators who agree to participate will receive the protocol and data collection manual
The data will be collected via Redcap, a HIPAA compliant website after IRB approval is obtained
The investigator who proposes the project, analyzes the data and writes the abstract will be given the first choice to present the abstract at a meeting. All investigators on a given project will be offered authorship on the manuscript in accordance with author requirements stipulated by the journal.
Any abstract or manuscript resulting from data collected through DiAL-In Collaborative will be circulated to all the investigators so everyone has the opportunity to give feedback.
Elements of the Proposal
Project Title
Principal investigator/co-investigator
Background and Significance
Research Question
Primary and Secondary Outcomes
Synopsis of published studies
Inclusion/exclusion criteria
Statistical methods
Sample size
Time period of review
Variables to be collected
Key references